(+48) 52 362 00 67(+48) 52 362 00 67 makrusz@makrusz.com.plmakrusz@makrusz.com.pl FB YT

Roller Roller

Crusher for recycling of drywall

It is a crusher that allows you to easily separate paper - cardboard from gypsum boards, using the action of centrifugal forces and air stream. The product of this crusher is pure gypsum, which can be reused in production, and paper. This method is more effective than traditional crushing with hammer crushers and separation of paper from gypsum on screening machines. Moreover, this crusher can be used to recycle filled bottles or cartons with out-of-date drinks and products. In this case, the wet mass is separated from the packaging. Basic parameters of the machine to be agreed depending on the type of recycled material.

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Skontaktuj się z nami

MAKRUSZ Spółka Akcyjna

ul.Solna 20
85-862 Bydgoszcz

tel. 52 362 00 67
fax. 52 363 05 74


tel. 52 362 00 67

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