(+48) 52 362 00 67(+48) 52 362 00 67 makrusz@makrusz.com.plmakrusz@makrusz.com.pl FB YT

Mobile crushing set Set with type 400x600 jaw crusher - internal-combustion engine drive

Technical description:

The crushing set is designed to crush mineral rocks, fieldstones as well as construction, brick and mixed debris. The machine is perfect for cleaning construction sites from debris which can be immediately used for bedding instead of being disposed of. The set is installed on a wheeled tandem chassis equipped with a pneumatic braking system; it can be towed by all vehicles at up to 30 km/h. The internal-combustion engine makes the set independent from mains power supply. Via belt transmission, the engine directly powers the crusher and hydraulic pumps powering the hydraulic systems of the conveyor's and vibrating feeder’s drive. The vibrating feeder is equipped with a grate to sieve out sand before entry into the crusher. During operation, the set is placed on four adjusted legs.

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Skontaktuj się z nami

MAKRUSZ Spółka Akcyjna

ul.Solna 20
85-862 Bydgoszcz

tel. 52 362 00 67
fax. 52 363 05 74


tel. 52 362 00 67

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